Few tanks

I want your 40g breeder. I've got a similar tank, but all the fish hide (19 rummynose, 13 corydoras adolfoi). No fun when people come over and ask me if I have fish in the tank!


Well-Known Member
I want your 40g breeder. I've got a similar tank, but all the fish hide (19 rummynose, 13 corydoras adolfoi). No fun when people come over and ask me if I have fish in the tank!

There are definitely some fish i only see once every 2-3 months. There is a blue wood shrimp i didnt see for almost 6 months and wrote him off as dead. Saw him a few weeks ago. A bumblee catfish i never see but found him burrowed under my dwarf hairgrass when i took it out. My nanachromis come out to feed, but otherwise they are always deep in that star grass. Everything else as you can see is always out in the open. Used to be a tone of cherry shrimps but the catfish and nanos wiped them out.
Well, my fish do come out if I sit still, or feed, so I don't have too much to complain about. Guests like to move a lot, and point, etc., so they spook them.

My only long term hider is a single assassin snail. I thought that sucker was long gone, but I always wondered where its shell went since it is colorful and not tiny. I saw the top of its shell peeking above the sand last week, and it is alive and well, which explains the slow but steady appearance of empty ramshorn shells in the tank.