Discus sourcing


New Member
So I'm restarting my 90G and looking to change some things around. I want to do discus and I'm not 100% on EVERYTHING!!! What's a good # for a 90? Should I get them as juveniles and raise them or buy as adult? Good tank mates. You get the idea. The biggest is where. I don't want to spend a whole lot of money so any leads or suggestions would be great.

My 90 is currently empty. I need to clean it out and get it cycled. So I'm about 4+ weeks out from stocking.

Thanks guys and gals for all your support and direction!!!


Staff member
My #1 advice would be find a local breeder. You'll get better stock and prices. Second to that I'd recommend my store.

I'd stay get like 10-12 discus and cull down to 6 or 7 so you get a group of mostly females, and can remove any over aggressive males.


New Member
Perfect. Thanks Cory!! Do you have a link to current stock at your store? If not, can you send one to me off line?


Staff member
Currently I only have larger discus in stock. But this month coming up I'll be bringing in smaller guys.

Still got a few of these left:

[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/go6p1tq0R3c" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


Try luv_my_fishies. She has wall to wall filled with fishes of angels to discus. Her contact I will pm to you.


New Member
I'm 90% sure that I'll take 10. I will text you once my cycle is complete and my levels are acceptable.



Well-Known Member
Hello, I have 8 Discus between 4.5" and 6" for sale. Cutting back on a couple verities and picking up some new stock to better a few I am keeping. Priced between $40 and $100 and very very nice discounts for groups. All proven breeders/sexed :)