Craigslist: Free Senegal Bichir Fish


New Member
These ARE NOT mine, I just thought I'd post for general interest:

> Free Senegal Bichir Fish (lynnwood)

>I have 2 senegal bichir, one about 8 in the other 6 in. They were left behind by my roommate I try to keep them but they are killing >my fish. Just a head-up they are aggressive and will eat anything that fit in their mouth.


New Member
Nice! Be careful as they get bigger they get hungrier (smaller African cichlids could be on the diet) Even if they are to big to eat the bichirs can hold them in their mouths until they stop moving. The nice price(free)


New Member
If you don't want them ill take them cuz I was in line behind you if you didn't get let me kno cuz I have big fish and they go good together..but really nice I have a smaller one and an ornate as well!!


Well-Known Member
Mine eats earthworm pieces that are still wriggling. Pet shops over charge. The sporting department at Fred Meyers has them in a refridgerator for fishing. They like brine shrimp but it is bad for them. Mine eats frozen bloodworms but doesn't really like them. I'm going to try tubiflex. It also eats and likes little pieces of fish.


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Contributing Member Level III
Probably just adjusting to his new tank. Many times they will float on top until they get comfortable. Give him a bit of time to adjust.


Active Member
On occasion I would go out in the yard to find a worm.. mine went crazy for them. Even ate a night-crawler as long as he was.


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Contributing Member Level III
I want to do the night-crawler's but right now I have a small gold dust in with some bigger ones including a WC weeksii whom Im trying to pellet train so.... I dont want to encourage behavior than would get the little one eaten. So I still chop up the worm for them.


New Member
First of all if your bichir is chunky in the middle he can go along time without food. I have many bichirs and several of the ones I kept have gone through eating phases! A healthy bichir can go quite awhile without food. When it is comfortable it will eat. I have one bichir that has never been a (good eater) I have put him in different tanks/switched tank mates to no avail. He eats one piece of food every once in awhile, skinny as a rail, should have died months ago and I just noticed the other day he has grown 3 inches in length. On MFK one guy said his bichir didn't eat for a whole month. Plus the bichir could be scavenging uneaten food when the lights go out. Some people feed them after they turn the light off. They are very active at night and in the wild are ambush predators and scavengers with a great sense of smell. Try putting a couple small pieces of tilapia or shrimp in the tank or a quarantined goldfish


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Contributing Member Level III
My weeksii is a stubborn eater and will only take in tilapia. Im trying to break him and get him on pellets but every two weeks I give in and feed him tilapia so he does not get sick. My Gold Dust is very similar. But my albino sen and del eat like little pigs.


New Member
Mine are so hungry now they eat floating cichlid pellets off the top of the water, blue anchovies, tilapia strips, masavore pellets, squid, catfish, rockfish .He smelled those rotten eggs right away. Don't be scared to put a little raw fish in there the good thing about feeding some raw fish is if they don't eat it you can pull it out in a couple of hours.