Copper Sulfate in my fish food


I have a 55 gallon shrimp/guppy/live plant tank that I feed a variety of foods. I recently came across an article on copper sulfate stating why you should never use it in your tanks. I agree and never use it but then, to the shock and horror, I found most of my prepared foods have listed in the ingredients copper sulfate or (worse) chelated copper. I only had this tank up for a month but I noticed my shrimps are not happy. Could be the food? Am I unknowingly poisoning them? The tank parameters are excellent. I am now looking for new foods. Any suggestions?
Copper Sulfate, is indeed not good for invertebrates, I know this because I have land hermit crabs, and I've gone through the same thing as you're going through right now, with learning about copper sulfates being in food... there are some commercial foods out there that don't contain copper sulfates (there are other ingredients you need to look out for as well, for your freshwater shrimp, I can't remember them off the top of my head, but I'll get back to you on that once I find em). =P

EQ or Ethoxyquin, Copper Sulfate, BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene), and Bone Meal are apparently not good for hermit crabs, since I like playing it safe, I would also assume that it's bad for freshwater shrimp, as the two are very similar to one another. Hope this helps!


Just got back from The Fish store in Seattle. I took the time to read the ingredients on the back of Hikari Shrimp Cuisine---COPPER SULFATE????!!!!! What the? So feeding the shrimp copper is ok? I'm so confused right now.

hawaiian opae

New Member
Per Japanese breeders the combination or ratio in the shrimp cuisine if fine for them. They breed some of the best in the world I will follow their lead. Sorry if that causes any confusion.


Online search found several blogs stating copper sulfate is an essential trace element found in all living things. All prepared fish food has it but some don't list it. Apparently all living things need it in their diets. The amount found in fish food can not be detected by most sophisticated instruments. So my fears are unfounded and my shrimps will be fine.
I think I vested way too much time on this subject but I needed to know and now for everyone else who didn't know-you do now.
I s'pose feeding hermit crabs and shrimp are different, regardless of their similar uh... similar...... um.... they're both crustaceans. LOL!


New Member
I noticed this as well in the Hikari shrimp pellets..but not in the mini sinking fish pellets...

I already have trace amounts of copper in my water that leads to invert death if im not careful

I don't care how safe they say it is I refuse to use it.
Here's a forum that shows the effects of copper sulfate and other harmful ingredients found in commercial foods, that have affected hermit crabs.

Although it hasn't been scientifically proven, there are still lots of results from it. And granted, they are hermit crabs, and not freshwater shrimp, they are still both invertebrates and crustaceans, which could still come into factors.

basically, the hermit crabs that were exposed with foods that contained copper sulfate, had problems with molting/shedding their exoskeleton.

I'm pretty sure that there are trace amounts of copper sulfates everywhere, but it doesn't make things any better if there are additional copper sulfates in foods. Another thing that is somewhat bothersome, is that there are certain foods still contain those harmful ingredients, but don't list it on their packaging. Heh. Go figure.


New Member
So I started off with feeding my shrimps only fish food, flakes.

I noticed they were always hiding and not very alert. And there are so many various shrimp food brands out there it makes your head spin.

On top of the staggering list. The Cost is a bit on the high end.

For my shrimps I feed a rotation of food.


Borneo Wild:
Barley - they love this stuff and won't raise your tds
Stout - thicker shell
Color - well obvious helps with color
Shield - this is a good one to have helps keep em healthy
White - increases the whiteness in my CRS

Rich Water - with water changes or new tanks
Eros - once a month to help with molting and mating. The caridinas fly all over the tank when you dose this.

Fluval Granules

Ebi - shrimplet food

Spinach when I have it

Try the Shirakura midway has them - its a good entry point