Cichlid-gal's 2014 Pond

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful pond, Donna! Really. All your hard work has really paid off :)

I love the progress pictures! :D


Staff member
I do the same thing. except I haven't really put out much fish yet.. I watch my daphnia pond lol...


New Member
Feeding the beautiful Sarasa Comets.  The large mostly orange with white is names Drogo and the large mostly white with the halfmoon orange on head is Daenerys.  I know these will outgrow our pond over time (our neighbor has a huge pond and has told me they will home them for us when they outgrow our pond).  Anyway...enjoying these guys for now.  Also have some white cloud minnows and red finned shiners in there.  You will see them darting in and around.

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
That is awesome Donna, I love the look of that pond. You and your husband did an amazing job and I cant wait to see it.
Blooming lilies! :) they look beautiful! How long did it take your lilies to start blooming flowers?

I bought a lily (I forgot what kind) and it's just now starting to grow leaves. I'm excited to see it grow flowers!


New Member
Lilies went into the pond in April, leaves broke the surface about a month later as most of mine were put deeper into the pond. I've just had leaves only since May and they have been slow to come. Now with the heat things are really taking off. In a matter of a couple of weeks we've seen lots more lily pads (leaves) as well as the blooms coming. We do use the lily tablet ferts in the pots...1 tablet a month