chuco micropthalmus



Hi there everyone. I was sent an email yesterday from my buddy Kevin (owner opperator of a place for pets). He asked that I a post a short message and a picture for him about his micros. So here it is.

"This is one of my favorite fish, Chuco micropthalmus. This is pair’s second spawn. But alas, the eggs looked like they were bad last night when I got home. They are kept in a 120gal aquarium with 6 convicts and a pr of Crenicichla reticulata and some plecos. They get up to 50% water change done weekly and are fed Hikari sticks and Hikari spriliana brine shrimp cubes.

And when I am not being lazy, PE Mysis shrimp.

Right now, these are a rare cichlid with a few people in the area having them, but soon, more will be available. Stay tuned!"



Haha, Kevin just texted me a picture.. so it remind me to look in on this thread. As requested, the parents.



Also, just digging through some old texts of kevin and me. I came across this picture. This was the first spawn from the pair, and to the best of my knowlage, the fry are doing well and growing.


A few days after kevin sent me this picture, he asked me to come up and help him pull some of the fry. I will tell you these fish are very nice looking. I was able to get a few adults from Kevin, and they have been awesome fish to keep. I know I have at least 1m and 1f. There is a lot of pairing behaviour going on, and these guys are really fun to watch. Get ready to have these pretty uncommon fish, become a little more readily available in the near future. Also, if anyone wants to go and take advantage of the sale, apfp will be holding their 7th year anniversary sale. So make a point to make a trip.

That last paragraph is of my own words from one hobbyist, to a bunch of others. And was in know way prompted by Kevin, or his shop. Isent it nice to know that when your buying fish from APFP, that you are buying from a shop, that is owned by a hobbyist.


New Member
I know that Kevin also sent at least 40 of the fry to Don Conkel, so keep that in mind if you buy from him or his affiliates. So now his "super rare " Chuco are Nation Wide.
Max size is around 12". As for aggression, well it is a Centeral American Cichlid so it varys from fish to fish. For the most part they are peaceful but territorial.


Thanks Matt, and all of that info is absolutly true. For aggresion specificlly, it seems the 3 I have were all very chill and not overly aggresive. But when two of them paired up they started to show pretty high levels of aggresion. Currently they rule the tank in my 180. Stock on the 180 is argentea, pair of meeki, 4 lyonsi, and 3 seiboldi. The "pair" run the tank. And with an iron fist, or mouth rather. Mine seem to have a pretty high level of conspecific aggresion.


New Member
i hope all the (rare)fish become common close and cheap...whos wpth me i would love tire track eels (not rare in the hobby as much as hard to fnd in the area


New Member
hey VW, are those the same fish u have that i really like? used to be in ur bedroom growout tank.... just curious if some new ones might be available..


Nope, sorry.. I think the ones you liked were the robertsoni. These ones are very rare at this size, and I would venture to say theres only a small handfull of people in the states that have them at bigger then 3". The ones I have are in the 180 in my family room.


@ D, the fish posted are not mine. Those are Kevins pair. I posted them for him.


New Member
fish_n_vw said:
Hi there everyone. I was sent an email yesterday from my buddy Kevin (owner opperator of a place for pets). He asked that I a post a short message and a picture for him about his micros. So here it is.

"This is one of my favorite fish, Chuco micropthalmus. This is pair’s second spawn. But alas, the eggs looked like they were bad last night when I got home. They are kept in a 120gal aquarium with 6 convicts and a pr of Crenicichla reticulata and some plecos. They get up to 50% water change done weekly and are fed Hikari sticks and Hikari spriliana brine shrimp cubes.

And when I am not being lazy, PE Mysis shrimp.

Right now, these are a rare cichlid with a few people in the area having them, but soon, more will be available. Stay tuned!"

I currently have six of them approx. 3.5" in a 75g. The ones I have are very nice looking F1 which I received. They already have some nice spangling to them at this size. As Matt indicated, they be territorial and as far as the Chuco species go, they are the nicest.