check this out guys!!!


New Member
Alright so I didn't have anything to do today after work
so I decide to go to aquarist world since I haven't been there since I moved to kent 2 months ago
as soon as got there Micheal the owner ask me were I've been lol after we talk for a while he told me to go check out the koi pond he told he put something new in I went to check it out
here's some pics

you can feed this guys for a dollar pretty cool
even my gf liked them lol

It think this Arapaimas were about 5ft are from my phone so kinda crappy



New Member
he really got a hold of some arapaimas.. thats crazy.. Hella expensive things.. they are like an arowana but get a beautiful red tail..


Very cool aren't they? I was in there a week or so ago and was surprised to see they had these guys.
They are also known as Pirarucu. There is a shopping mall in Bangkok that has an artificial river running down the center stocked with several Arapaima. They are huge, and had to be close to 8ft each. I was up 3 levels from the water when I saw them and first thought they were Manatee. When I was next to them I was amazed to see this giant freshwater fish that I assumed must be from the Mekong River - I laughed when I read they were from South America.


New Member
Believe it or not those guys grew up on "TURKEY :shock: DOGS" I've been to the original owners place a few times and recently when he tore down his 8500 gal tank the pima's needed a new home.. There's still a few HUGE cats looking for new homes if anyone wants any.. :D


Active Member
I stopped ion ther today and these guys are cool as hell,,,, the big ass p bass in there are neat too, i did not realize how big those get