Canister Filter


New Member
2' 4" ABS pipe - 3$

1 4" Drain Cap(unscrewable) - 3$ish

1 4" End Cap(bottom cap) - 2$

2x 4" circle cut from a stainless steel collander

2 3/4" "nipple" connection(to attach the hoses, can vary depending on what volume you want to move)

and a tube of aquarium safe Epoxy resin

place the steel circle you cut over one end of your 2' pipe, center it and apply generous glue to the edge all the way around(you'll file this down to fit right later) let that sit for about 6-10mins then flip it over and glue on your drain cap to the other end wait another 6-10 and flip it over again file the edge and glue your end cap over the steel grate, now wait about 20-60 mins for everything to dry up - drill a hole in the cap part of your drain cap the same size as the thread end of your "nipple" connection, now drill the same size hole in the side of the bottom end cap (when in the standing position the hole should be below the steel grate nearest to the bottom) now just glue in your "nipple" connections, let it sit for another 30-60 and run clean water through it for a while to make sure theres nothing to harm your fish, then i used store bought ceramic tubes for the bottom layer a piece of an old pre-filter for the coarse sponge layer, burried that in unused natural fishtank gravel and an ammonia/nitrate removing media from petsmart then about 4-6" of polyester from a teddy bear primed it with water from my tank and there she goes! the pump is something i bought any kind is fine just make sure the water comes into the bottom of your filter out the top into the pump then into the tank, also this has a sponge filter on the intake from ebay 69 cents + shipping bout 4$

you should have a left over piece of steel i chose to put one inside my drain cap(the removable part) just in case a piece of gravel slipped by or something dont want it going into the pump! but make sure not to put a piece on both ends of the pipe or ya wont be able to get any filter in there!

also i glued the base of mine to a left over piece of plexiglass i had lying around so it stands by itself on the floor, you can make any sort of mount you like - clip on might be most convenient

i can add pictures of a finished product when ive got my camera working but its doing great for the waste problem i had

based it on this pic i found on google