Can fish prolapse?


Well-Known Member
I just lost my amazon puffer. Looks like it crapped out it's guts. Any idea what can cause this?
Been acting totally normal, swimming around, just munched on some live black worms. Few hours
later, gone.


The last time I seen anything close to that in a fish the PH in my water dramatically dropped. Seemed to cause internal bleeding and bloating. I thought the fish was going to explode...



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Fish can prolapse if they are stopped up. And once it happens it is hars to treat unfortunately.

I'm sorry for your loss.


New Member
Nooooo!!!!! That's terrible!!!!! I don't wish this on anyone! Yes, this is actually something I have experience in, I hate to say. I lost almost an entire tank to this. Only lonely fish survived and I think that is because it was a fry when the outbreak started. I went around to all the fish stores in the area seeking help and was unable to find anyone to help me before it was too late....It is called Hexamita.

So, I had guppies when this happened. Mine did not die right away, like your puffer. They suffered through this horrible disease for days to weeks. I was able to get a picture of one. It's not a great one, but it sufficed to show a little of what was going on and I took it to the stores with me to show what was going on. I did get some giggles what I showed it to some immature shop employees because it, well, looks kinda phallic.

Anyways, what I was told, is that it was some kind of a worm or parasite, IF I remember correctly, that is inside their intestines and makes them prolapse. It's extremely hard to treat and I was told to treat with PraziPro. The guy told me to treat their water and to get some blood worms or some sort of easily treatable food too. It's better to treat from the inside out. This is an extremely contagious disease, so if you have other fish in the tank, you will need to treat ASAP. You might have better luck treating with a med called metronidazole. I have read better things about it....after the fact, of course. Anyways, here is a link that explains a little about the disease.

I never really saw the hole in the head stuff going on, but definitely had the prolapse stuff going on hard core in my tank. It would come and go, but the fish were definitely sick the whole time. I could actually see them throw up their food after they ate. It was a terrible thing to watch destroy my whole tank. In fact, the tank it happened to, is still downstairs waiting to be decontaminated. I haven't wanted to touch it since the whole incident. It just disgusted and frustrated me that much. The guy at the fish store told me I might have to throw away most of my decor & stuff, it is that bad.


New Member
flamechica said:
Nooooo!!!!! That's terrible!!!!! I don't wish this on anyone! Yes, this is actually something I have experience in, I hate to say. I lost almost an entire tank to this. Only lonely fish survived and I think that is because it was a fry when the outbreak started. I went around to all the fish stores in the area seeking help and was unable to find anyone to help me before it was too late....It is called Hexamita.

So, I had guppies when this happened. Mine did not die right away, like your puffer. They suffered through this horrible disease for days to weeks. I was able to get a picture of one. It's not a great one, but it sufficed to show a little of what was going on and I took it to the stores with me to show what was going on. I did get some giggles what I showed it to some immature shop employees because it, well, looks kinda phallic.

Anyways, what I was told, is that it was some kind of a worm or parasite, IF I remember correctly, that is inside their intestines and makes them prolapse. It's extremely hard to treat and I was told to treat with PraziPro. The guy told me to treat their water and to get some blood worms or some sort of easily treatable food too. It's better to treat from the inside out. This is an extremely contagious disease, so if you have other fish in the tank, you will need to treat ASAP. You might have better luck treating with a med called metronidazole. I have read better things about it....after the fact, of course. Anyways, here is a link that explains a little about the disease.

I never really saw the hole in the head stuff going on, but definitely had the prolapse stuff going on hard core in my tank. It would come and go, but the fish were definitely sick the whole time. I could actually see them throw up their food after they ate. It was a terrible thing to watch destroy my whole tank. In fact, the tank it happened to, is still downstairs waiting to be decontaminated. I haven't wanted to touch it since the whole incident. It just disgusted and frustrated me that much. The guy at the fish store told me I might have to throw away most of my decor & stuff, it is that bad.

I suggest that you forget everything you were told, everything, and start again. Here's a good place to start.


New Member
That was a year or two ago. All the fish died, except one. I was just sharing my experience with fish prolapse with Vicmacki since he asked if it could happen to a fish.