Breeding advice for Corydoras

I'm gonna start trying to breed my Sterbai corydoras. They laid eggs a few days ago but my other fish got them.

So should I move them to their own tank (my quarantine/hospital tank is empty at the moment) and try to get them to breed there, or will moving them make them stop breeding?

Once I get eggs again do I need to do anything to them? (Methylene blue etc..) or just let them hatch?

Any advice on what to feed the fry? How often etc... ?

Honestly any advice/info from those who have done this before would be awesome! This is my first attempt at breeding fish.
I'm a total newbie but I feed my corycat fry newborn daphnia and crushed up fish flakes. I have a sponge filter and have discovered the flake food gets stuck on it and the cory have a field day. Out of 18 hatchlings I've only lost 3.

Edited to add that the corycats will be 4 weeks old tomorrow.
What kind of corys do you breed? And wl they be for sale? As for advice, it comes by accident for me, I never noticed I had any Cory fry and then one day I see a baby Cory which was really awesome! I would say, do a big water change, that always triggered my corys to lay eggs.


Active Member
I second the water change trigger, as mine do the same thing. I have aeneus cories that breed after almost every water change in my 90 gallon community tank; but if I catch them at it I can remove the eggs before the other fish eat them. I use an algae scraper to get them off the glass, then into a baby food jar. I started treating with methylene blue and get a far better hatch rate. Once they hatch I rotate between banana and microworms the first week, then grindals/pellets/repashy all once a day. The adults get a rotation of spirulina brine, bloodworms, mysis, flake, and pellets.


Member with a lot to say
I'm gonna start trying to breed my Sterbai corydoras. They laid eggs a few days ago but my other fish got them.

Honestly any advice/info from those who have done this before would be awesome! This is my first attempt at breeding fish.

I don't have any practical advise to offer anyone here on anything - I just wanted to say I love your avatar! He's one of my fav guys in my living room tank.