Black Hair Algae (BHA) Problem


New Member
So I noticed this stuff growing in my tank a couple weeks ago, and set forth in motion to eliminate it. It came back; in force.


I've read up about it, and am currently planning on getting some co2 booster, as well as some Flourish Excel to help the plants outgrow this stuff, but I still have a couple questions.

1) Is there anything that will eat this stuff before a bleach dip? After?

2) Will stopping the air line stop the growth of the algae? Is there too much oxygen in the tank? I currently have 5 glofish, and two bristlenose adults in the 10gal tank.

Help me stop this invasion!!?! :D


Roy from GSAS had a great tip on how to rid your tank of Hair algae. H2O2 also known as hydrogen peroxide. I forget exactly how but I'm sure he'll see this thread and chime in to help out. co2 and flourish excell will feed the algae too until you rid the tank of it.


:afro: . o O From my experience Flourish EXCEL works well to combat hair algae. It takes the correct dosage and time but works well overall. If your tank is large enough and depending on tank mates Siamese algae eaters and flying foxes like to nibble on hair algaes. They won't eradicate it but help keep it in check...

Co2 injection in the correct doses eliminates hair agae as well.

I would check labels on any additives your putting in your tank and eliminate anything that uses phosphates as an ingredient. Phosphates seem to be a super food for BHA.

I have never heard or read anything about airlines or excessive O2 effecting BHA. It seems its usually a unballance of CO2 levels and excessive Phosphates.
binbin9...Thanks for the topic research. I like the idea of the whole tank treatment because spores (capsules, whatever) will still be lurking in the tanks when you spot treat. But still my tank conditions will need to be changed to reduce further outbreaks. I'm saving that article.

Roy, are you familiar with this method? Tried it or know anyone around here who has?



New Member
I also have always dosed with CO2 and/or EXCEL to get rid of that nasty stuff.
. o O From my experience Flourish EXCEL works well to combat hair algae. It takes the correct dosage and time but works well overall. If your tank is large enough and depending on tank mates Siamese algae eaters and flying foxes like to nibble on hair algaes. They won't eradicate it but help keep it in check...

Co2 injection in the correct doses eliminates hair agae as well.


New Member
Couldn't find flourish excel at either Petco or Petsmart, will I have to buy this online? Not checked yet if they carry it online or not (running out of data on my phone, using the rest to geek out on this forum lol)


CrazedAce said:
Couldn't find flourish excel at either Petco or Petsmart, will I have to buy this online? Not checked yet if they carry it online or not (running out of data on my phone, using the rest to geek out on this forum lol)
Flourish EXCEL is acommon product. You should be able to find it at your LFS. I would definitely ask a clerk or manager.


New Member
CrazedAce said:
Couldn't find flourish excel at either Petco or Petsmart, will I have to buy this online? Not checked yet if they carry it online or not (running out of data on my phone, using the rest to geek out on this forum lol)
I got some Api Liquid Co2 if u want it, but yeah man, er petco in lakewood definitely has it (cause I almost bought it by accident, when i was trying to get flourish comprehensive).
I'm surprised you don't see it at petsmart or petco o_O


New Member
Petsmart had a couple Flourish products, but not excel. Or visa versa. I got the co2 booster st Petco, but thanks for the offer. I mentioned this in a different topic, but I guess I should post it in here. The co2 made my new hornwort grow like a weed! It literally tripled in size in less than a week. No sign of the black hair algae, though I removed all those plants and now have a completely different setup in the tank. No watersprite in there anymore. :D


New Member
I used just the H202 over the last week and all of the BHA it's red and dying! Thanks for the post, that stuff is a nightmare! :D


Active Member
Interestingly enough, I've found that ramshorn snails seem to be trimming my BHABBA back for me.  

My 29g had run out of red rams quite a while ago on account of my assassins.  Since then I've had BHA crop up due to over-fertilizing a while back.  It's been slowly dropping back now that nutrients are back in balance, but it's still a problem.  

Anyway, when I noticed the utter lack of red rams in the tank a couple of weeks ago, I decided to dump a bunch more in there to feed the assassins that are likely still living in the substrate.  Since then I've notice a significant reduction in the amount of BHABBA I have.  It's definitely not gone, so they're not a perfect solution, but my plants are looking cleaner, so that's a win in my book. :cheers:   They add some color to the tank too ;)

Edit: Woops... I got my algae mixed up. I have Black Beard Algae, not Black Hair Algae. :oops: 