Black Friday deals...


Hi all!
Fish lovers please post any and all black Friday events/deals here

1} Petco Inc. has their annual Black Friday sale going on Nov. 27th & 28th ~ 30 to% 50% off fish & inverts including their Thai import halfmoon and crowntail betta's. These are like the ones seen on Aquabid!!!
No transhipper involved!
Equipment is on sale as well. Last season I scored a Fuval spec 5 for a mere $39.00 floor dispay w/box and a Fuval 1.9 gallon floor model out~ of ~box for $34.99
Please let us know whats going on out there for fishy deals!


Staff member
I haven't finalized my deals yet. But they will be from 9am till noon. We will have all employees staffed.

Fluval fx6 for $250
Aquaclear filters for cheap.
Black neon tetras $1
Glowlight tetras $1
Threadfin rainbows $2!
Sterbai corydoras $2.50
Assorted Peacocl cichlids $5
Frozen cubed blood worms $2 ea. Limit 24

Maybe list depending how they come in this weekend:
Rummynose tetras $2
Yellow labs cichlids $2
Purple acei cichlids $3
Red zebra cichlids $1
Possibly more.

I plan to have full details out Monday once I know how things arrive. I still fully plan to quarantine the new arrivals to make sure they are ready to go home Friday. As always when buying large amounts of fish we reccomend quarantining them at home yourself as well.


Active Member
Finalized your sale plans Cory?

I usually avoid Black Friday completely, and haven't shopped at a store that makes their employees work Thanksgiving (best buy, walmart, sears etc) in years now.

But I'm tempted to buck tradition for some fishy deals.


Staff member
Working on it now actually. Been busy with customers but it is my goal to get em finalized here soon.


Staff member
Final List:

Black Friday Deals:
Dry Goods: Dry Good deals happen all day while supplies last. Once sold out there will be no rain checks issued.
Fluval fx6 $250
aquaclear 110 $55
Aquaclear 70 $35
Aquaclear 50 $28
Aquaclear 30 $25
Frozen Blood worms 3.5oz cubes $2 (limit 24)
Easy Green Fertilizer $15

Black Friday FLASH Fish Deals! From 9am till 12pm FRIDAY ONLY
Rummynose Tetras $2
Black Neon Tetras $1
Glowlight Tetras $1
Threadfin Rainbows $2
Goldfish 25% off.
Celestial Pearl Danios $2
Assorted Peacock Cichlids $5
Red Hump Eartheaters $2

Nerite Snails $1

Platinum Angelfish $5

Zebra Danios 50 cents