beta has 9 lives?


Active Member
Checked on my daughters beta and it was not in the tank. She said no, it is in the fish bowl because I am going to clean the tank. Nothing in the fish bowl and I found it on the floor very still and looking dried up. She picked it up to give it the porcelain swirly funeral and it wiggled. Put it back in the tank and it seems to be back to normal. Didn't know they were so tough.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've had that happen. I found it dried up, covered in carpet fuzz, but put it in water because I've heard these survivor stories before. Mine ended up with a little bit of fungus that needed some treatment, but it did live on. :)


Well-Known Member
I was setting up a new tank last month and had all of the fish from the old tank in a bucket. After I put them in the new tank I found a platy and black tetra on the carpet. Logic told me that they were probably there for 30-60 minutes so I placed them both in the toilet only to see the platy start swimming around. I quickly threw him in the tank where he happily is still living today.


Well-Known Member
Arent they able to breathe air? Because they come from such small bodies of water with low oxygen... Could be wrong tho..


Active Member
She has already lost a frog from an open spot near her filter so her tank is well covered, but not the temporary bowl she was using. I lost a nice bichir from jumping out when I was not around. Even after I put a mesh wire fence over the open areas around the heater and all. Still found a spot somewhere.


Well-Known Member
She has already lost a frog from an open spot near her filter so her tank is well covered, but not the temporary bowl she was using. I lost a nice bichir from jumping out when I was not around. Even after I put a mesh wire fence over the open areas around the heater and all. Still found a spot somewhere.
I had a Bicher jump ship too! Luckily I was there and heard it hit the floor! He was like 9", I sold him right away after that.. Didn't want him to do it again up on my watch LOL


Betta's have a labyrinth lung and so yes, they breath atmosphere rather then water :) Which is also why when I found my big pretty betta Private Trouble, crusted to the floor, fuzzy with carpet, pet hair AND crunchy....I dumped him back in his tank. Didn't even lose any of his tail. Damn fish refused to stay in anything under 5 gallons. Also took pride in hopping tank sides and parading around in his much more aggressive tankmate's side of the tank.