FS Axolotls in Shoreline


Active Member
I have some gfp and non-gfp normal and leucistic axolotls that I'd like to find new homes for if anyone is interested.

These are about 3" long, have had their back legs for well over a month, and are eating pellets.


If you haven't ever kept axolotls before, here are a few tips:

These are neotenic salamanders (they keep their juvenile characteristics and stay in the water their whole lives). They respond strongly to movement, and may nip the limbs off of siblings if they get a chance (which grow back in time), or even eat each other if they have a large enough size advantage. When they are a little bigger this usually isn't a problem.
They prefer cool water (under 70 degrees), and aren't great for community setups. Fish sometimes pick at their gills, and anything that moves and is small enough to fit into their mouths may become a meal.

They should not be handled, and if you do have to net them, be careful for toes and gills-- using a solid container may be a better option. They grow 9+ inches long, and can live 10-15 years, so will need appropriately sized tanks as they grow (floor/walking space being more important than depth).

Mine seem to enjoy watching me, and are visible most of the time even in a heavily planted setups. They will often swim excitedly if I am walking over to feed them, and are eager to be hand-fed worms or small bits of fish (sparingly). Nothing enjoys having UV lights shined in its eyes, so if you get GFP animals, please treat them kindly. They do look pretty cool under actinic lighting or moonlights...
axolotl_baby_leucistic.png axolotl_baby_normal.png gfp.png
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