attaching pictures


New Member
I have a stupid question. I am having issues attaching a picture. Perhaps I am not doing it right. I attempt to upload a pic in the attachments box, and for some reason it fails because the file is too large. hmmm. what am I missing?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Do what I had to. Open an account on photobucket. Then once you have uploaded your pics, and you go to your album. There are 4 boxes under each picture. Right click on the bottom one (IMG code), copy this and just paste it on here. No need to use any of the picture loaders on this site.


New Member
Photobucket is wicked awesome and here's why:

1. Select the images you want to include in your post by checking the boxes below them (mouse over the image).

2. Go to the bottom of the album page and click this link:

3. Choose which type of code you want, and click in the code area. It will automatically be copied for you.

4. BLAMMO! You can now past in all your images at once.

Also, Photobucket doesn't downsize your images like Flickr does. So when you are posting high-res images (like wallpapers) they will still be the right size.


New Member
Your suggestions were golden, but I got a message saying that "new members are not allowed to post anything from external links for 7 days, talk to system administrator"........oh well.
Thanks anyway Fuyrae for the detailed directions, and thank you too Mr. Madness.

I will try another day.


New Member
thanks for the help. Blammo!


