albino, blind or stupid, cory catfish


New Member
So recently i added two albino cory catfish. very funny energetic fish and they look like a Dr. Suess character. Anyways, one of them keeps geeting himself trapped in java moss. Hes the only one ive seen get caught in there. after the third or fith time of helping him get unstuck I took out the majority of the java moss and put it in a different tank. Problem solved? no. he got traped in what seemed like 4 or 5 small strands of java moss. So i removed the rest from the tank. So the question is: Is he blind or is he just stupid? ever had a blind fish?

Let me know what you think.


New Member
Probably not blind. I have a cory with no eyes at all that never gets stuck. I have had some with eyes get stuck though. I think they just get hyper and get to zipping around the tank and aren't paying attention to where they are going. I just don't keep moss with corys any more.


New Member
we have alot of corys and not one is blind but some are a little to hyper for there own good. i think hes hyper. also if his bristles are hurt they tend to go all over what type of gravel do you have. if its jaged then its probly the bristles. good luck


New Member
I just lost my albino Cory and was pretty sad about it :( He was my favorite fish in the tank. Can't get another, so he's gonna be replaced by 2 Panda Cory cats :)


New Member
Oh ya no gravel at all with corys! Sand or bare bottom! Barbell damage is what kills most corys!


New Member
Sand will damage barbells just as much as gravel.. Its weather or not the gravel or sand is smooth or not... Tahitian moon sand or the fine coral sand can damage them just as easily as any gravel.. There are lots of natural rounded almost polished like gravels that are pea sized that wont do any harm..