African Tank Remodel


New Member
So we recently had our floors redone and I had to move all my fish into one isolated room that had a spare 55g in it. When I came home the good news was I was able to strip fry from one of my OB's for the first time :)the bad news was my main tank had a bunch of floor sediments and chemicals in it  :evil:   so rather than spending hours and hours on cleaning that I just bought new substrate. Here is a video of remodel and a little light show. Sorry the sound is so bad just ignore me lol

[flash=425,350]" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Looking good, thanks for sharing. :spoton: 


New Member
I liked the activity in the tank. perfect! A little crowded = A lotta happy fish. I didn't see any damaged fish looks like you found the right combos and number of fish.