added a diffuser to my DIY co2


New Member
added a diffuser to my DIY co2

Just a few pics of a diffuser i picked up for my DIY co2 set up. I love it! wasnt sure if my set up would build enough pressure to make the diffuser perform. But with the check valve and all my seals nice and tight, it works just dandy. This is an upgrade from the "magic eraser air-stone diffuser" i was using. IMPORTANT: if you do use the magic eraser method, make sure it is the detergent free pads. they are harder to come by, but it is an inert material that will chop your bubbles up pretty small. But not nearly as effective as this new diffuser!



Re: added a diffuser to my DIY co2

:spoton: - awesome! Looks good, totally like the glass jUg.
Re: added a diffuser to my DIY co2

Awesome, I'm glad the glass diffuser ended up working for you after all! It was nice seeing you two at Aquarium Co-Op! Don't forget to wear that hank shirt to feed Hank!! Hehehe