90 Gallon Project

Adam 910

New Member
My wife and I bought a used fully planted 90 gallon setup about 3 Weeks ago. We've been taking a photo journal of our steps setting the tank up how we want it. Quick Specs

90 gal acrylic
FX5 filter
fluval heater
build my led dutch light bar.
running a eheim 350 surface filter to cut down on frogbit and debris while rearranging

Tank came with a Angle fish "Tinkerbell" (Not sure exactly what kind but if you know please tell)
6" Pleco "Sal"
Male CPD " Han Solo"
some sort of orange shrimp that we've only seen twice no name

We did pick up lady friend for Han and will get them some more friends once the digging around is complete.

My wife and I want to start adding more plants soon and I'm also going to be setting up CO2. First time CO2 here.

Eventually we want a nice community tank.

small school of CPDs

pair of Blue Rams

some rummynose tetras.

Possibly a colony of endlers but I want them to be a close to the wild variety as possible something that would look like and genetically be the same as the ones taken from Laguna de Patos.

We would like to get some more angelfish I'm not sure if our current angel fish would bully new smaller tank mates or not. Any advice would be helpful

Maybe some sort of dwarf corys

Also our 6" pleco might need a new home he is super active and we are thinking that he might become a problem dislodging plants.

Please let us know what you think and maybe some fish/plant stocking ideas thanks!

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Active Member
Cool setup!

I raise N class "orchid" endlers. True wild type, no crossbreeding with guppies. I have the collection point written down somewhere, but it might even be Laguna de Patos. They're awesome fish!
Steve @ Aquarium Zen has a bunch of endlers in a tank. I believe he got them from somebody local who collected them and is now maintaining the strains. Cory might know something about this person, too.

I have zero experience with Angelfish, but whenever I research stocking them it is always the same: "they are still cichlids", "depends on the fish" and "be ready to separate a pair or an aggressive fish from the group if things go south."

Adam 910

New Member
We're done messing with the substrate(minor brushing of substrate clear of rocks and logs)
This week I'll be getting the co2 setup checking my light levels.Maybe even getting some fish and plants! IMAG0825.jpg IMAG0824.jpg

Adam 910

New Member
IMAG0828.jpg Added some fish and plants. Setup the co2 I'm going to replace the airline with black hose and some black suction cups.