2 months after starting up the tank ^_^


New Member
Been about 2 months now since my first tank was fully cycled and started to have fish inside, the algae difference on the rocks is quite dramatic. Hoping that it'll turn green soon ^_^ As for the fish themselves (6 juv Ps. Saulosi), most likely 4 are males and I'm hoping the last 2 are at least female :( 




Well-Known Member
Staff member
They are growing fast and the tank is looking good.  I hope you have more females than you think!

When I used to raise saulosi, the broods were always heavily male.  I have six juvies growing out right now and am really hoping for females.


New Member
Thanks Betty, but also I was wondering if chlorine from my tap water will have bad effects on the algae. I need to do a 90% PWC, but unsure how to do so without dismantling my rockscape =\


New Member
Just curious, why a 90% water change?

When I do big water changes, I don't worry about the rock scape... I just remove less water when I reach the rock scape to allow space for the fish to hide. Also, I haven't seen any negative effect from chlorine when replacing with tap water. I do use a dechlorinator/buffer after the change tho. As a matter of fact, I think algae is one of the hardiest plants in my tank... otherwise it wouldn't be such a chore to get rid of!

BTW, love that mossy look!


New Member
Thanks, and yeah I used a de-chlorinator as well. I'm doing a 90% PWC due to my wife trying to feed them and dumped a little too much in there, so the nitrates are probably too high (checking tomorrow).


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I wouldn't remove the rockwork.  As long as you leave a few inches of water they should be okay. Or you could do two back to back water changes of a smaller percentage -- change 50%, refill and change another 50% or more if you want to replace 90% without taking the level too low at once.  Use your hand to push water around and between the rocks to move any uneaten food or poop out in the open so you can vacuum it out.

I refill with a Python water changer and add dechlorinator as I'm starting to refill and then a little more about halfway through. My algae never dies.