FS 125 gallon saltwater tank


Well-Known Member
I have a 125 gallon saltwater tank up and running with fish and some soft corals. I have been neglecting it due to life being too hectic right now. Has some algae that needs attention. It's got a fluval 407 can filter. A large hob filter. 4 lights on it, 3 for saltwater and one small little amazon purchased light. 4 powerhead pumps. Filled with live rock, alot of it is covered in pulsing xenia and other small anemone things. Has a large Hollywood stunner chalice, another rock piece with little buttons on it and another mushroom. (As you can see I'm not too up to date on names).
There's also fish in there too..lunar wrasse, 6 line wrasse, 2 pajama cardinals, coral beauty, chocolate chip starfish, arrow crab, a couple urchins, might be a yellow watchman goby and some other starfish in it as well. I have put allllloooot of money into this but right now I need the money and I with 5 cats, a 3.5 year old and another on the way I need to get out of the hobby for a bit. The tank is glass and is heavy, the stand is a custom made one, 2 lids are glass and one is black. It will also come with a few buckets, a saltwater test kit that's only been used once, a large magnet cleaner and nets. Being pregnant I can't help move it and will need someone to break it down and move it themselves. I'm only asking a small $400 for all of it which is a he'll of a deal for what's there.

I would be willing ..if someone wants to trade me a 36 gallon bowfront tank and stand with glass lid..(I would keep the pulsing xenia rock, corals, and fish, filter, 1 light and a couple powerheads) and give you the 125 gallon tank and stand. Although I need the money I hate to see it go so I would trade for a downsize.

Thanks for reading this novel.


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