12 gallon underwater flower arrangement tanks


New Member
Doing some random research and browsing, I ran onto these little... creations.

Basically it is a 12 gallon cylinder with some plants and fish stuck in it for display. The site purports to have maintenance instructions... but by our standards on this side of the water, these tanks are just short term displays meant to be torn down shortly aftern setup. However, they are rather attractive. Maybe someone can get into DIY and make something similar?




Yes, those are angels in a 12gal in that last one...
More at aac-aqa (Japanese only)

BTW, if you don't know about wolphramalpha... is is the bombest thing ever!
Here's a link to the volume calculation.

[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/0fCncHoIDcU" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


New Member
I was hoping to do something like that with shrimp in a smaller cylinder vase I bought at value village (probably about 1/2 gallon) but never got around to it. I did just realize that I have shrimplets in my 20 gallon tank, though, so maybe it will be something to work on. I wouldn't want to use flowers though, because I think they would quickly begin to rot and turn ugly. Using real rock and wood is just as decorative in my opinion, and would eliminate that problem.


New Member
I agree... i'd do moss or maybe fern in place of the flowers, but the idea seems reasonable. I just realized I have a similar 4.5 gallon (about) cylinder I could use for this! Water bubbles, and some emersed growth (bamboo?) and I'd be set!


Active Member
MorganEA said:
flowers don't last long under water they rot really fast.
Indeed. That's why you're supposed to yank off all leaves before you sit the stems in water. Boy do they start to stink fast if you don't.

I know a thing or three about putting flowers in vases... 8) 
Of course the flowers would rot fast, that's why MRTom mentioned that they weren't meant for long term displays and are meant to be torn down shortly after setup.

I could definitely see these being used for like, a wedding ceremony, or reception, white flowers with albino angel fish. Yeah totally doable! :)


when my team would get hired to do weddings we would do 20-30 table arrangements, your going to need a bigger aquarium :p 
Well yeah, I figured, those guys have like, a bunch of tanks that have a lot of fish, solely for flower arrangement event thingies.


New Member
Looking at the company and reading their website, it looks like they run a very large operation. Each of these setups costs about 300 to 400 dollars, and I am not certain about how long you get to keep it.

I just posted it as a "holy moly... this is out there... there has to be a better way" kind of post. I was also assuming that they were using plastic/silk plants rather than real plants. Flowers in japan (roses in particular) run about 3 to 4 times the prices they do over here, making this whole thing even more excessive if they were real (which I didn't find in the descriptions).

(Corrected site link: http://aac-aqa.com/index.html)
Lol thanks Bill. :) I'm curious, what if I tried doing something similar to this, but with a twist? Time to put my flower arrangement skills to the test.... That I don't have.