Recent content by dig317537

  1. dig317537

    The tannin experiment.

    this project is taunting me, I so want to start it. Having to wait until I know if I will have to move in a few months is torturous. I just cleared the tank of all the plants and fish that was renting out the space lol. willing myself not to replant it today is the real struggle
  2. dig317537

    Less Aqua

  3. dig317537

    Blank Canvas

    they are held up in another tank
  4. dig317537

    Blank Canvas

  5. dig317537

    Blank Canvas

  6. dig317537

    Blank Canvas

  7. dig317537

    Blank Canvas

  8. dig317537

    Blank Canvas

    This tank was broken down on last week. oh look wood Music is going and the saw is out update shortly...
  9. dig317537

    This is what happen last Sunday.

    Update Photo: I added some tannin stuff a few days ago since it was laying around but I may clear it up with some carbon.
  10. dig317537

    This is what happen last Sunday.

    resisting to impulse buy is hard. someone bought a piece of wood I have been eyeing for days. a few minutes later I found another and bought it after much debate with my wallet. Speaking of there will be another rescape of another tank with said wood lol
  11. dig317537

    Skrittles Mix

    are you trying to breed a new strain? just keeping random colors?
  12. dig317537

    This is what happen last Sunday.

    I have a second job at Aquarium Zen, which does not help with my addiction. #mts #aquascaping #wetsleeves
  13. dig317537

    This is what happen last Sunday.

    While my tannin experiment is on hold until I move I decided to do a quick rescape last weekend. I need to get some fish out anyway lol. Before After
  14. dig317537

    African Leaf Fish

    I've had one of those. loved feeding it guppies!