Renton-Issaquah Hello

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Active Member
Had a community fish tank all my life and recently upgraded to a nice show 50 gal. from a 30 year old chipped, scratched glass 29. Have not had cichlids for a while with the exception of a few variation of Convicts (done with them) and a colorful 6" blackbelt that was getting abused during the Convict breeding (had to find a new home for him). The new larger tank opens up a few more options I have not had in the past. Hope out of a group to get a breeding pair and keep my old tank to raise the fry.

Just bought my first "live" aquarium plant today also.


New Member
Hey dude welcome to the site....but be careful its also very addicting lol\
you should upload some pics...that would be great


New Member
sidekicking said:
Hey dude welcome to the site....but be careful its also very addicting lol\
you should upload some pics...that would be great
Dude I love lars on's signature. sooo funny!!! haha


New Member
Mikey said:
sidekicking said:
Hey dude welcome to the site....but be careful its also very addicting lol\
you should upload some pics...that would be great
Dude I love lars on's signature. sooo funny!!! haha
haha I know
but I did tell her my stuff is copyright...but she didn't listen I will just have my ppl call her ppl lol

lars on

New Member
sidekicking said:
Mikey said:
sidekicking said:
Hey dude welcome to the site....but be careful its also very addicting lol\
you should upload some pics...that would be great
Dude I love lars on's signature. sooo funny!!! haha
haha I know
but I did tell her my stuff is copyright...but she didn't listen I will just have my ppl call her ppl lol

You owe me 50% for catching that, IN CHAT NONETHELESS


New Member
Hey and welcome to WFB! This is the best local forum around, no doubt! So you made the leap to live plants, I myself just ventured to the planted side as well, wish I wouldve done it along time ago.... AWESOME! anyway, there is a ton of great information on here, great helpful stuff, and if you cant find it just ask, Even the dumbest question, our knowledgable and helpful staff and members will give you the best answers!

And definetly get some pics up of that new tank! :)


New Member
Lol..... Well just tryin to make the newbs feel welcome at the most AWESOME forum ever! and wait a min...... walmart greeters just sit there, all old..... and look at you.... stinking..... I AM NOT A WALMART GREETER! more like a nordstrom greeter


Active Member

Definitely not doing salt as I know how lazy I am.. can't handle that extra maintenance. Couple of happy clown loaches & I had to put my old castle in there for them to hide a bit. The tetras I got for some color fill in my old tank not knowing if they could handle the convicts, but they did great.. even the little black neons. Once the tank gets a little dirty I will move my Pleco over. I also love photography, so that is another reason to get a beautiful Cichlid group going in there.

On a side note I have rocks that represents my first 5 years of marriage. On every anniversary I would make a point to grab an interesting stone for the tank... they did have to get a little smaller each time & will all be in this tank soon. Maybe it was a sentimental attempt at getting my wife more involved with this hobby.


New Member
Genious thing with the rocks!! That would definetly get my wife more into my fish tank.... itleast she would like showin off the rocks anyway. lol.... Tank looks great, good job.


Active Member

Some of my fish from the past. I think the flash made the Honduran a bit brighter blue than they actually were under normal light. Still pretty & tuff fish.


New Member
Paintguy - your did a great job on the banner! thanks dude, you have some awesome artistic ability, we are glad to have you on board with us.

I am going to go ahead a lock you introduction post.... start puttin this stuff in the show and tell area... more people check that topic! :) Especiall this last group picture of your fish, its awesome!
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