Pictus catfish KILLER!


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I recently acquired a pictus catfish because they always fascinated me. However, I am days away from taking it back. In the last month it has killed two of my platy babies I had grown from birth. I'm PISSED. I'm half tempted the flush the F*&^er alive!!! I never had a problem until the last month when it showed up. They were the two smallest ones in the tank. Completely fine the night before no illness swimming around like normal and vanished the next morning. Not anywhere in or around the tank. I check the floor even to see if they jumped out of the small portion of the back that they would be able to. Nope. Tore apart the whole tank basically and no platy's. I'm NOT freaking happy. What the hell is his deal?? He also attacks my Bala Catfish I have in there too. But leaves everyone else alone. I don't get it. I thought they were scavengers/bottom dwellers. The platy's stayed in the upper half of the tank. I'm about ready to give up this whole "hobby." It's getting to be more of a pain in the @$$ than anything. None of the fish get along and the ones I really like get killed. What's the point...


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I understand they eat everything. But they were ALIVE. That's what I'm pissed about. The fish that are now gone were completely healthy and nothing wrong with them. I'd get it if they were sick and dying. But really? It's not like I don't feed the damn thing.


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And it's not like it could of ate them whole. They were probably an inch to inch and a half long. Not quite full grown but almost a year old. In december they both would have been a year. So clearly it would of had to kill them then eat the carcass.


New Member
You'd be surprised, a lot of "catfish" aren't scavengers, they're predators.

I've seen my Striped Raphael Catfish go after my tetras, but they're too fast for him.

General rule with catfish, if they can fit into their mouth (which is a lot bigger than they look) chances are they're going to be dinner at one point or another


New Member
a month ago i had four pictus catfish. Today i have one. My midas is a big meanie.


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Contributing Member Level III
Pictus cats are predators. I had one that ate a red tail shark half its size. These guys are just scaled down versions of their big brothers.


New Member
Should of done some research, Pictus are pretty aggressive and will eat anything that fits in their mouth. Can't blame or punish the fish for doing what they naturally do.


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Looks like it will be finding itself a new home. I have my other two platy's separated off so they won't become food. grrrr. My LFS fish guy told me that it should be fine. I guess even after being there 6+ years I can't believe him. My bala catfish has been getting picked on my the pictus as well. Which he ALSO said would be fine in the tank together. I have a feeling I will have to drive 1+ hour to get any new fish or advice. Sad. I'm so close to giving all this up because of the drive I have to take to get most of my supplies or good advice and fish. Maybe I will just stick to breeding angels. I have pretty good luck with that! lol But where to sell them all is the question. Maybe I will turn the 30 gallon into a grow out tank for the angels instead. Who knows...


New Member
It's not that bad, just move to the Seattle area and frequent APFP and Midway, etc. You'll be fine..lol.

Orrrrr...breed your angels and sell them on Aquabid?