Looking for catfish


Active Member
I want a cool Cat about 4-5" and max out around 14"... I like the shovelnose body shape. and the tiger type paterns... RTC's are cool too,, these guys are just too big. Any suggestions? how big will pictus cats get? I am thinking not big enough to live with the big cichlids.


New Member
pictus is a bad plan tsn and rtcs are also bad plans to you should look into niger cats even though they might be a bit ugly they are cool and they get good size but take for ever to get big other than that native cats are the only thing i can think of that arnt supper amall or supper big
thats good info ,ive got this Niger in here that was skinny as a rail 2 weeks ago now hes getting fat ,no one seems to be interested in him ,that makes me worry that he will get big here,

slow growing is good news because i really like it ,i also desperately need to take a better picture



New Member
You mentioned P pictus. Is shape more important then behavior? pictus are day-active; if you are looking for day-active catfish you could also check out Synodontis eupterus or Synodontis decorus. But if shape trumps behavior, then Pimelodus ornatus, P. blochii. And Sorubim lima could be a good choice, but these fish have to be made comfortable. Not exactly a boistrous, 'rough-an-tumble' fish in my experience.


New Member
Personal favorite is the giant raphael... kinda similar to the ripsaw/niger as far as size and aggression (which is to say big, but gentle)but just so much more legit looking than the niger lol
A little bit harder to find but if you can find one they're well worth it IMO
look up Megalodoras uranoscopus

We had one at midway for a while, was my favorite fish... catching the thing to sell was another story, by the end of that I hated the fish... destroyed 3 nets and sliced me up pretty good.