has anyone had success breeding cory cats


New Member
hi i bought a peppered cory from petsmart and she is full of eggs, if you would be willing to please tell me how you have had sucess breeding corys :) thank you :sunny: because im totally confused :scratch: as too how to setup a tank what size they will breed in changing water ect.... thank you :beer:


New Member
From what I have read there has to be a dramatic drop in water level and temperature and you should also be feeding them frozen and live food. I've had my corys spawn once and it was by accident. I had decided to move my 55gal out of my living room into the new fish room so I had to transfer all the fish to a bucket and drain all the water and then fill the tank back up once it was moved. The fish had to be in the bucket for several hours. The next morning I woke up to eggs on the glass. Most of the eggs had been eaten already by the betta(sticky stuff was still stuck on the glass) so I scraped the rest off with my debit card, put the eggs in a container with water that was floating in the tank, plopped in and air stone and all the eggs hatched a little while after. Fed them crushed flakes when they were tiny.


New Member
well i have an accident with the heater in my cory tank someone decided to mess qwith it probly my 5 yr old cousin but i woke up and the prenant cory cat and my two males were dead the tempature read to almost 100 degrees.... :(


New Member
Oh, that sucks!

I have 8 Corey Cats and I have to get rid of them soon. I'm actually thinking of starting a tank just for them since I absolutely LOVE my Corey Cats. I have 4 BIG Green Corey's and 4 smaller Albino Corey's.


New Member
Ashley17 said:
Hehe if you do decide to get rid of them i got a 20g waiting for them i loved my corys :(
Would you promise to take care of them and feed them and talk to them and play tag with them? Because they are used to that. These Corey's eat out of my hand, no joke, and they have to swim up a 26" deep tank to get to my hand.


New Member
The green ones are probably Emerald Splendens, pet stores mislabel them all the time. They look like cories but they are not in the same species group.


New Member
Ratlova30 said:
The green ones are probably Emerald Splendens, pet stores mislabel them all the time. They look like cories but they are not in the same species group.
I know the difference. I also buy my fish from reputable shops, not Petco.