H202 as algea treatment?


New Member
H202 is the chemical formula for Hydrogen Peroxide (more commonly known as just Peroxide).

I would NOT use peroxide if you have fish in the tank. It would be similar to adding bleach to the water.

Good luck


New Member
I've never used it on any hair algaes, but it does work wonders on cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Suggestion is to slowly introduce it into the tank, just a little bit at a time with frequent water changes and instead of dumping it into the water column, use an eyedropper to kind of "paint" it onto the algae, this is your best way of using it without killing the fish. It'll take you quite a while, especially if you've got a bad case of algae...

Easier, safer and more effective method might be Seachems Flourish Excel, has worked wonders on hair algaes for me, and if you use paint it onto the algae like you would with H2O2 it should do an even better job... it's gonna take alot more Excel to kill your fish, but still be patient and don't overdo it.


New Member
I have the same problem with hair algae and have done 2 small doses before but have been scared for my shrimp. Fish I don't think there is too much of an issue as long as it is in small doses. one thing good too know is that peroxide decomposes into water and oxegen. It can be used to add oxygen into water. I found some fish uses on widipedia that sound promising. here it is

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified hydrogen peroxide as a Low Regulatory Priority (LRP) drug for use in controlling fungus on fish and fish eggs. (See ectoparasite.)
Some horticulturalists and users of hydroponics advocate the use of weak hydrogen peroxide solution in watering solutions. Its spontaneous decomposition releases oxygen that enhances a plant's root development and helps to treat root rot (cellular root death due to lack of oxygen) and a variety of other pests.[22][23] There is some peer-reviewed academic research to back up some of the claims.[24]
Laboratory tests conducted by fish culturists in recent years have demonstrated that common household hydrogen peroxide can be used safely to provide oxygen for small fish.[25][26] Hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen by decomposition when it is exposed to catalysts such as manganese dioxide.

and fyi peroxide can be used as a bleach but it is not the same as bleach.