Bristlenose quoestion


New Member
My big male bristlenose has awesome bristles, he's growing great and he is real active. Here's the weird question: should he be green? My females are both pretty much black with speckles. he is emerald green with speckles. Is he not a regular bristlenose? Is there a such thing as a green phantom bristlenose? he a mutant? I will try and get a picture when he comes out. Just odd.


New Member
He popped out and I was able to get a decent picture of him!

Doesn't he look awfully green?



New Member
I've seen that before, that's a green bristlenose (regular fin). There's actually a long fin version of that... Some in aquabid sells the longfin green bristlenose.


New Member
For sure this one played in a pool of toxic waste as a fry and then was raised and trained by a rat to have super ninja skills... pretty plec, they come in calicos too.