Wild Caught Fish LIVE!


New Member
This is one of the coolest things Ive ever seen.... I have a heck of a time catching tropheus in a 90gal aquarium with a net, this dude is in a lake snorkling catching by hand! WOW!

[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/OIh283mNjJY" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I would love to be able to catch my own fish like that!


New Member
lol.... I would love to see someone trying to catch a sunfish, or bluegill in a pond in washington!!! I wish we had cool bright tropical fish in are lakes like mallawi and tanganyika.... where the water is so clear and you can just go grab fish! would be soooooooooo awesome!