Where to put a newly sealed tank?


Well-Known Member
As you guys can see my old 55 is badly in need of a reseal what I was wondering is since it's getting cold out now is if it would be bad idea to keep it in the garage while it's curing?



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well alright then... Lol

I don't know the answer -- does the tube of silicone have a temperature range in the info?
Looking at that pic, it doesn't look that bad to me. I have a couple of tanks like that and one way worse. :eek:


Well-Known Member
It will be fine as long as the temperature stays above freezing. However, the colder it is the longer it will take to cure.


Well-Known Member
:D Thanks for the responses guys! Well I'm taking this tank down for a while so I figured I'd reseal it. Yeah I took a look at it and for black aquarium silicone it says 7 days to cure at our outside (garage) temps! Yikes!