whats a good medicine to heal my fish


New Member
my fish has a couple nipped fins
and couple good sized scrapes from a fight with another fish i took the mean fish out already if anyone knows any good medicine to help my fish grow its fins back and heal the good size scrapes please let me know


Well-Known Member
Hi fish101,

I like Melafix® from API as a treatment for wounds or fungus infections. In fact, I just recently treated a Cory with a bad fungus infection and now the fish is doing fine. If there is no fungus, I would go with 1 tsp of non-iodized / aquarium salt per gallon as a preventative.


New Member
I just added some new fish to one of my existing tanks and had some aggression / pecking order stuff going on. It's settled down now but the two new males took some nips and chips so to speak. I too used Melafix (I did the 7 day treatment) and it worked great. The new boys are coloring back up and almost totally healed. Everyone is doing wonderful.