what the hell is this?


New Member
Bristle worm I believe. I've never seen one that big, but heard they can get really big. I had small ones and got a six line wrasse that ate them all up. It wouldnt be able to handle that one. I would get rid of it. Fish can accidentally swallow and choke on them. They can sting. Feels like splinters.


New Member
Yep, bristle worm it is.
dont touch it with your bare hands, those little bristles come of in your skin and will cuase infection.
get rid of it. It is too big. smaller ones are real good for a clean up crew, but once they get so big, they can cause problems


Active Member
He's long gone , I plucked it off that mushroom rock i Just bought and ran it through the garbage disposal, they'll multiply in my septic tank and crawl out of the toilets. LOL


New Member
you will wake up in the middle of the night covered with giant mutant brisle worms. Atack of the killer worms :shock: