What just happened??


New Member
So I got my new camera yesterday, super excited but also disappointed cause I can't get the software to load to my computer so I have to wait two weeks for my brother to come home before I can share pictures but I thought I'd start taking pics anyways. So I'm sitting there taking pics of my shrimp when all of a sudden I notice something white coming out from my largest brigg. Took a while for the snail to push is out but it's shaped and is about the size of an aquarium pebble. It's stark white. What do you think it could be? Over the last 12 hours everyone in that tank has devoured a cucumber slice that i put in because the briggs were eating my hygro. Do you think it's just one giant cucumber turd? LOL Just figured their poo should be tubular shaped and not come out in a huge chunk.

Looked like it hurt coming out, the snail had it's face scrunched up while it was pushing.


New Member
I do have a couple shots where you can see it next to the snail, I'll have to put some up in a couple weeks. I watched to see if any of the other critters took an interest in it and only one baby MTS was climbing all over it like it was a jungle gym. Apparently giant cucumber turds aren't as tasty the second time around.

Truly a sight to see, and then right after the snail glided back over to the remaining cucumber and started nom noming it again. geeze