FS Various cichlids


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Cmon all, ;)

F1 Festae female 4" $25
F1 Festae male 5" $25
WC Festae male 9" $65
WC Centrarchus male $25
Geo. Altifron 7-8" $20
Female Midas orange 7" $15 (mean as heck)
WC Female Devil barred 10" $15 (very pleasant personality)
F1 Devil grow outs 2-3" $5ea
F1 Midas barred grow outs 3-5" 5-$10ea
F1 Midas orange grow outs 4-5" $10ea

Always willing to negotiate price especially if buying more than one fish.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm in Puyallup, the first two pics are of a couple that I am keeping in the group, the third pic is what I may sell. there are two females and one male in the group that I am selling. one of the females and the male are the closest to the camera in the third pic.IMG_20160724_195137.jpg IMG_20160724_194917.jpg IMG_20160724_193743622.jpg