Thank you Betty, our newest Moderator.


Staff member
I just wanted to be the first to say thank you for Betty for being helpful around the forum. She will now be moderating also. A fine addition to the team and a great forum member.

Thanks for taking on the challenge.  You've been a consistent and trusted contributor to this forum for quite awhile and I've always appreciated your input.  Cory knows how to select good mods.

Also, thanks to the rest of you mods on here.  It is your vigilance and the contributions of the members that have made this a great forum.  It is one of 3 that I inhabit.

As far as active mods are concerned, I can think of 5, madness, MRTom, Cory, Betty, and myself.

I am aware that there are other mods out there, but these are the only ones that I've seen active lately.
I take that back, there are ONLY 5 mods now. You can check by clicking on the members tab and then sorting by usergroups, and you will see every member that is a mod, regular member, contributing member, admin, etc...