Tankmates for Yellow Regal Peacock

master chi

Well folks,I believe I have been bit by the peacock bug.
I have been keeping malawi cichlids for several years now. Up to this point it has been mostly mbuna,with only a couple hap species.
Now I want to try my hand at keeping the colorful peacocks.
While I don't have any experience keeping any aulonocara species,I know for sure that my must have is the Aulonocara Sp. Stuartgranti Maleri Yellow Regal. What I'm not certain of is who to keep with them.
If I choose a breeding group,I'm stuck with just the 1 species correct?
Would I then have to choose a hap species to go along with them?
If I opt for an all male set up,which I kind of want to not do,My options for other peacocks in the tank go up right?
What other peacocks can I place in an all male setup?
A lot of the species I like have some yellow or blue coloration,is that going to be an issue,like I think it is?
There are some with red I like the German red being the nicest(imo)
What are some of the rules regarding keeping these guys?
Funny how all of a sudden I feel like a new cichlid keeper. Having kept Americans in the past,then Mbuna,now trying for these peacocks for the 1st time.
As always any and all suggestions/advice is welcome,and appreciated.

Thanks in advance everyone,Your Pal,master chi