Free (TAKEN) Mystery snails

I have a bunch of mystery snails for free. They range from being smaller than pea size to larger than. They have dark bodies and the shell is either olive or gold stripped bodies. Must meet locally, I am in Bremerton. There are some damaged shells from being mowed down by courting males who were chasing females.



Active Member
Holy snail city!! How will they do in a pleco tank? Maybe one each tank would be kinda cool. I use to have one, but I think starved cause one pleco I think kept taking the food and knocking it around. But since then he has chilled out.
are you willing to ship? I can pay the shipping and extra for your efforts
I've never shipped snails before so I'm not sure how that would work or if they'd survive my packing.

Holy snail city!! How will they do in a pleco tank? Maybe one each tank would be kinda cool. I use to have one, but I think starved cause one pleco I think kept taking the food and knocking it around. But since then he has chilled out.
I'm not sure. I've seen people keep young bristlenose with theirs.


Well-Known Member
Interested in some bristlenose babies? I should have some to trade in a few weeks. I would just like to trade, not to take freebies unless you really want to get rid of them.
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I really need to get rid of them as I have toughly 100. But if you need to get rid of some bristlenose I'd be more than happy to trade.