Tag your it / Where are they now?


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Do you guys ever look at the 'Who is online' area when you get on? Sometimes I see longtime members who have not commented or said anything for some time but they will visit.

I thought we should start a 'where are they now?' and tag them with a question of what they are up to now... This should show up in the alerts if they log in. This might get some oldies but goodies to pop on and tell us what they have been up to.

So tag someone from the past here and ask whats up!


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I will start @Madness, saw you pop on and say 'hello' recently. Many of us cichlid keepers miss your company.
So what have you been up to?
Are you keeping any fish currently and if so what?

Here we go... one tag in motion.

Join in guys!


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
@Jantilla, saw you on the other day. Did you ever get back into fish or get a tank going again? That was a sweet 210 gallon you used to have and the Oscars were very nice looking.

Still into Radio controlled stuff?

Would love to hear from you.


Well-Known Member
No responses :D but I did see Vicki log in this past Wednesday, we just need to get her to say hello ;)


Well-Known Member
I know @VickiK said she’d come and visit some time. How are you Vicki? Also @Reef&LivebearerAquatic hasn’t been on in forever. I know he was in school down in Cali or something. He had guppies and a Nano reef!

Hi fishbeast!

I have no active tanks right now. School is getting more and more difficult and leaves little room for hobbies. A lot of my peers don't get home until 9 or 10pm and even though I get home earlier I'm constantly swamped with homework. in combination with pressure from parents, increasingly competitive college admissions, and social pressures and a lot of people in school are suffering.

@Joel told me you had tagged me so I hopped on :) How are you?!?!

EDIT: So what I am up to is hiking and surfing when I can find the time, I have a frog and a crested gecko but they only require a few minutes of daily commitment so I'm able to manage it. wbu?
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Well-Known Member
Hi fishbeast!

I have no active tanks right now. School is getting more and more difficult and leaves little room for hobbies. A lot of my peers don't get home until 9 or 10pm and even though I get home earlier I'm constantly swamped with homework. in combination with pressure from parents, increasingly competitive college admissions, and social pressures and a lot of people in school are suffering.

@Joel told me you had tagged me so I hopped on :) How are you?!?!

EDIT: So what I am up to is hiking and surfing when I can find the time, I have a frog and a crested gecko but they only require a few minutes of daily commitment so I'm able to manage it. wbu?
Hey buddy thanks for checking in!! Yes you must focus on your education, young man. Fish will always be here to come back to when you have time. Thank you for the update!

As for me I am still busy with working full time! 3 boys keep me and my wife on our toes :D significant fish death for me: fire eel (swam into filter INLET), spotted Congo puffer QQ and a Nigerian Lap bichir. Some other random deaths. No new acquisitions. No new tanks but I did break down my hillstream tank and rebuilt it. My blood sugar was creeping up so I had to make diet changes and lose weight. It’s those damn carbs haha. Take care buddy and drop in from time to time.