Synodontis Petricola Fry


Well-Known Member



@Vicmacki how did you spawn them? i had a high death rate on the first spawn, but second spawn has a much higher survival rate. Mine dont have that dark coloring either which is odd


Well-Known Member
I was cleaning my tank and found the eggs, total surprise. They are not really that dark in person. I am not sure how many times they may have spawned. If they have been spawning they definitely are fish food for the cichlids. Just glad i found them. Now that i know they are breeding i will set up traps for the eggs.


New Member
That's awesome! Mine have never spawned that I know of, I have 3 different groups from different sources in there mostly with other catfish. The tetras in the tank would probably get the eggs if they did spawn in the tank though.

Very cool.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
is it possible those could be pleco fry?
They remind me a lot of my pleco fry -- the way they are bunched up in the corner like that. But I've never seen petricola fry. When they are that tiny, it's hard to tell. They are awfully cute! Congrats, Vickmaki. :)


Well-Known Member
The first thing i thought when i saw them was bn plec eggs. But, i only have one adult male in the aquarium. The only other egg layer in the tank is neolamp tetrocephalus, certainly not those. Should know more once they absorb the egg sac and see if they swim or suck.


Wow with all your different fry you're having you'll have to attend the next Aquarium Cartel! Nice cats from Lake Tanganyika. What is your P.H., G.H.?