Support Swag?


New Member
I am a member of a few different discussion forums and this has to be the only one that doesnt sell/offer swag. Are there any plans to do so in the future? Would be neat to have WA Fish box bumber sticker or shirts. I would gladly pay for swag and the proceeds could pay for the site or go toward the cause.


Well. We have our awesome-possum name tags. And the shrimp tshirts but I think those were limited print. Other then that I don't think so. And I would soooo find another name to call it besides swag!! All I can see with that word is jeans belted around the thigh and we're-too-cool-for-you tipped hats which would be fine by themselves but dang the jeans...... LOL merch? i'd buy vinyl decals or stickers or such.

and just because it's relevent:
