
New Member
My anemone does not like the spotlight. Apparently, it is shy. It has moved a few times since Saturday. It went from on top of a rock to the bottom of the tank, on top of a shell and now to the back side of a live rock. it may be splitting (Kevin said it might be). So, from what I have read, it is normal for it to move until it is good and ready to settle down.

My question is, if it is splitting, will they fight once the split is complete? Lars mentioned something equivalent to chemical warfare between two anemones.



New Member
No they will not fight. They will find their own spot. I have read that someones anemone split and then a couple days later reattached back into one, but I somehow dont believe it. Never know though.


New Member
Typically bubble tips can be kept together whether they are clones from splitting or non related as long as they are both bubble tips. Other species are more aggressive and will sting each other and causing a chemical warfare, yes, and killing everything. So yes you can keep more than one and they will be just fine.


New Member
Oh, there is a recommended tank size on them too. They will get big and one will eventually out grow a small tank. So in the case of tank size you dont want too many for the tank.