Sick Goldfish


New Member
I have a large Oranda goldfish that has swim bladder disease. Is there anyone in the Kitsap area who would be willing to help me with him? Ive tried everything I know of including warm shelled peas, water changes, and checking the water perimeters. I cant seem to figure out whats going on and hes stuck floating miserably upside down. If anyone has some experience with this and would be willing to message me their number, I would really appreciate it. I'm desperate, I just want him to get better! Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
What are the water parameters? The nitrate in particular?

Have you tried any medications?


New Member
I am also have what i think is a swim bladder issue however my Betta has sunk to the bottom of the bowl and finds it extremely difficult to swim to the top, takes a big gulp and sinks down quickly.

What Medications are there to try for Swim Bladder? I have called every pet store asking for any and they don't seem to know of any available anywhere.


New Member
what temp is his tank at?

what size is his tank?

what is your cleaning schedule?

what do you feed him? is it sinking food or surface floating food.

some times if you feed surface food they will swallow air and this will happen to them.


New Member
what temp is his tank at? High 79-80 degrees

what size is his tank? it is a 2 gallon tank but he had so much trouble getting to the top i took half of the water out so he could get to the top. I think i need to take more out becasue he is still struggling.

what is your cleaning schedule? I have a carbon filter in the bowl so once ever week or two depending on the water.

what do you feed him? floating food but he hasn't eaten anything since Friday, Oct 12th.

We just finished force feeding him part of a pea as i was directed to do by someone else.

I have had him since July of 2011 and used the same food, cleaning schedule, bowl and rocks. This is the first major issue i have had with him.