Shellie disaster



So, my shellies have been disappearing. Haven't seen any in over a week. Decided to empty the shells and see whats up. I found 2 of them. The shells they died in stunk like Bigfoot's ass crack and I found 3 stiff ones behind the tank. That leaves one who probably got eaten by the cat. SO I cleaned out the tank, dumped the shells except for a few of the white ones and added the cichlid stones. I moved the Darf Rainbows to the planted tank along with the Rosy Barbs. I moved the Saulosi to the smaller tank and changed tops so the Coralife light is on the Saulosi tank. I also lost two Darfs. One of them was dead in the tank yesterday and one is..well..missing. I imagine he was another victim of the cat.

I hate when disasters strike, especially when I don't know WTF happened.


New Member
I know they are super sensitive, so if one died, (for any reason) and stayed in there, it probably made the water funky, and caused the other to start droppin like flys.

If there was any nitrite or ammonia from maybe the tank still cycling, (small tanks tend to have a spike after 2nd week).... then that couldve got them too.... All the saulousi are still good though right???


Sand, most dies from jumping THe tank has been stable as all hell.

All Saulosi are fine, different tank.