

Been away from the forum for a few years while my tanks grew algae and the fish suffered as I pretty much ignored them while spending a few years dealing with lymphoma. Cancer is gone, I've recovered from the chemo and radiation, and my tanks are cleaned and thriving!
I've had aquariums since I was a kid 40 some years ago, and for a number of years had only SW tanks going, an 180 gallon reef tank and a 75 gallon SW fish only tank. Then I got back into freshwater when I saw what was being done with plants and CO2.

Currently I have a 6 gallon low tech nano with Cherry Shrimp, Scarlet Badis and Chili Rasboras, a 15 gallon high tech (CO2) with a pair of Aphyosemion Australe Killifish, 6 Celestial Pearl Danio, 5 pygmy Corys and a small calico Bushynose Pleco, and then a (low tech about get CO2), 45 gallon columnar tank full of fancy guppies, a pair of Eclectric Blue Rams, a few S&P Corys, a few Oto cats, half dozen Amano Shrimp, and a long finned calico and a long fined white bushynose plecos. I plan on doing a 75 gallon planted tank in the next few months.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Cancer sucks -- I'm glad you beat it!

Nice to have you back on the forum.