painted the back of my tanks


New Member
So after talking with sand about painting the back of my tanks He finally convince me to do it. So I decided to paint to paint the back of two of my tanks

10G killi fish

30G jewel cichlids
this ones is kinda empty..cause I took all the drift wood out


New Member
LOVE IT.... FREAKIN LOOKS AWESOME DUDE! did you make a mess??? what kinda paint you get? how did you put it on?


New Member
Looks like flat black rustoleum, that's what I use on the backs of my tanks and I love the effect. Really sucks up the light at the back of the tank, eliminates glare, and hides the equipment.


New Member
I bought a little paint sample from lowes
and a little roller everything came out to like 7ds
is just regular flat black paint....and no sand I did tnot make a mess lol


New Member
We paint all the back of our tanks. We just used krylon flat black spray paint. Do a couple coats and it looks great. I love black backgrounds!


New Member
I went spray paint on a couple tanks, and painted with a roller on a couple.... allot less mess, and looked better in my opinion with the roller style paint. (brush would probably leave stroke marks) The spray paint was running a little bit on one of my tanks, and wouldnt stick on the other, kept bubbling, think there was moisture back there. Anyway, any cheap paint will work.


New Member
I use black plastic canvas and weave my moss throughout it. I too love dark backgrounds; especially when substrate is really light


Anyone used window tinting? I plan on trying the mirrored privacy tint on the back of a new tank tonight when I get home from work. Will see how this works out....

I've also seen some tanks with sky blue or aqua painted backs - looks nice in a non planted tank IMO.


New Member
i was going to do the miorrored tint on some discuss tanks so they stay nice and calm all the time


New Member
GoodnNuff said:
Anyone used window tinting? I plan on trying the mirrored privacy tint on the back of a new tank tonight when I get home from work. Will see how this works out....

I've also seen some tanks with sky blue or aqua painted backs - looks nice in a non planted tank IMO.
After you do this you should post some pics....I think we would all like to see how everything is turns out


New Member
I was gonna do it with some stuff from home depot, its like a tint but its a picture of jungle..... Think it was called window film?? anyway... good idea, send some pictures when you get it done.

If you dont want to paint your tank, I figured out a cool way to make it look good, but not paint your tank.... you can use fabric from the hobby store!! just get any color, texture, shiny silk, or cotton for more of a flat paint look..... then cut it to the back of the tank, tape it up, and it looks as good as paint, doesnt stick to the back of the tank like those poster backgrounds! :)


window tint

yeah, well I was too lazy by the time I got home last night, and since I had to be back to work at 6AM, I
procrastinated - the window film didn't get applied.
Hopefully tonight I'll get it done and take pics. If it is too mirrored or ugly, I can just rip it off.

The fabric is also a great idea, I'd think you could use some sort of adhesive to actually adhere it to the glass. I know there is a gel on the market used to adhere the photo backgrounds to tanks, I think Foster&Smith sells it - should work on fabric as well.