One of my Banjo Cats actually moved...


New Member
I saw it move, and actually eat some beef heart while the tank light was on!!!

We have nicknamed the two Banjos "dead cats" because in the few weeks we have had them, we have not actually seen them move. I know they do, since they are in different places around the tank.. just never have caught them "in the act". This time, we actually saw it move when the beef heart chunk landed about a half inch from it's nose. It kinda levitated out of the sand and hovered over to the food and settled nose first into the pile where it started sucking bits up and Noming... Nomnomnom.... Then a cave fish grabbed the chunk and flipped it away. The banjo remained there 'til sometime during the night since it was at the other end of the tank this morning.

I know, it sounds silly to get all excited about seeing a fish move.



Yup, fits their profile. I think he's neat looking and may add one to my 140. I can always use another dwarf type nocturnal catfish to all most never see :) But I like fish like this. You have the fish you all ways see, then its a nice surprise to see the hiding nocturnal come out from time to time.

I have a South American Bumble Bee cat. Hes the same way. He is my "oh look there he is" fish, lol.


New Member
These guys tend to hide wherever they land before the light comes on. They burrow into the sand till just the top ridge and tip of tail is above the sand. The smaller Banjo has started to play in the bubble wall during the day too. They don't "Swim" like anything I have ever seen. They pump water like a bellows. Not sure just how they do it, but they sure are cool to watch. They'll pump them selves up into the water or bubble wall then glide back down using one fin or the other like aircraft ailerons in long slow arcs.