


Has anyone ever spawned these guys? I here its difficult, from what I have read at least. But I would rather go by others experiances. If anyone ever has would you mind giving a detailed meathod along with info on the fry and courting dispalys? Thanks. You see I have kept several of these little jewls over the years and have never seen any spawning or courting behavior. Its not like I have dedicated a tank them though, I'm really just trying to feed my curiousity.


New Member
Hi! I spawn this species often. pH 7.6, the tank is a 125 gallon and is 82 degree's. The tank is a growout for my festae and carpintis but the pair spawns often. Sand, wood and clay pots for decor. I just posted pics in a seperatre thread so you can see. Are you currently keeping this species?


New Member
Crap, looks like I just bumped an old thread. I didn't look at the date when replying. My apologies..