New Fish in Today/last week.


Staff member
The holiday were BUSY for us, so we didn't put out a fish list last week. More fish and plants to arrive this Friday as well.

Here is the one for this week:

Reticulated Stingray
Mono sp. These were sent to us by accident. so they are cheap. $5 each!
Corydoras Hasbrosusras
Ember Tetras
Super Red Bristlenose Plecos
Dwarf Anchor Catfish
Congo Tetra Males
Diamond Tetras
Neon Tetras
Flagtail Prochilodus
Neon Green Rasboras
Strawberry Rasboras
Orange Hatchetfish
Roseline Sharks
Sunset Honey Gouramis
Gold Australe Killifish
Bamboo Shrimp
Blue Wood Shrimp
Olive Nerite Snails
Celebes Halfbeaks
Cardinal tetras