New Arrivals 8/8/2014


Staff member
<p><img src="" /></p>
<p>New Fish:</p>
<p>Zebra Nerite Snails</p>
<p>Assassin Snails</p>
<p>Albino Dwarf Frogs</p>
<p>Neolamprologus Multifasciatus</p>
<p>Red Lazer Corydoras</p>
<p>Live Blackworms</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Anubias Nana</p>
<p>Dwarf Baby Tears</p>
<p>Amazon Swords</p>
<p>Crypt. Lutea</p>
<p>Crypt. Wendtii Bronze</p>
<p>Crypt. Wendtii Red</p>
<p>Dwarf hairgrass</p>
<p>Pogostemon Erectus</p>
<p>Dwarf Sag</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Notable Dry goods you've been waiting for:</p>
<p>Koi Gourmet</p>
<p>Black Worm Keepers</p>


New Member
WOOO multies made the list! muhaha i knew i could eventually get you to order them in! if you got shells in id def place an order for some shells and multies :). i like to start out with a diverse bloodline if possible.

PS: the multies (and all shellies for that matter) have been removed from neolamprologus and temporarily shifted to "Lamprologus" (dont ask me why but the " mean the difference lol)